NWA letters

Now can we get answers?

Now that Obamacare, the flag of the Confederacy, and legality of gay marriage have been resolved for the time being, can we now ask some important questions of candidates for the highest office in the land. What specific steps will each take, within the first 90 days of his or her presidency:

To solve the long-term solvency of the Social Security System?

To counter the long-term paralyzing effects of the military-industrial-academic complex?

To improve the crumbling infrastructure of the nation?

To restore the truth to the promise to any immigrant carved in the Statue of Liberty? “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me. I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

To restore Martin Luther King's vision of a nation in which the character of a person and not the color of his or her skin is what is valued?

To eliminate big money from the political process?

To take seriously the growing evidence that the climate is changing, sea levels are rising, our oceans are becoming toxic, and fossil fuels are harmful?



Exploring Trump’s comments

The media has broadcast Donald Trump’s comments regarding the Mexicans coming across the border over and over, but I haven’t heard anyone ask him about his business operations.

It’s ironic that Trump’s businesses, whether construction, casino or hotel, are the types of businesses that bring the people he’s denigrating into the country. I wonder how many of those thieves, druggies and rapists helped make him a billionaire.


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