
Thankful? Not really

Leslie Putman's recent letter called the Republican debate a Punch and Judy show, and gave thanks for President Barack Obama's superb governing. Was I reading the comics?

The business page of this paper last week reported the results of an Associated Press survey with this prediction: "tepid economic growth, weak pay gains, and modest hiring for the next two years." At $18+ trillion, the national debt will soon double that of 2008.

After almost seven years, what has Obama done for businesses and economic growth? The third-highest corporate taxes in the world and a continuing flood of crushing regulations isn't it.

There's foreign affairs. After his infamous "red line" warning to the Syrian butcher Bashar Assad, Obama did nothing (bomb military sites, weapons for the rebels?), and savage terrorists organized the Islamic State. The Syrian rebels, Kurds, Jordan, and Ukraine have begged for heavy weapons with little success.

Against advice, Obama withdrew American support from Iraq--which, after the sacrifice of thousands of American lives, had been declared a stabilized country. Now that too is lost. Innocent people are dying horrible deaths and pitiful refugees seek safety. With the impotent leadership in America, Russia and China are moving against other countries.

Seeking a "legacy," Obama has made a nuclear agreement with Iran--where a heritage of subterfuge and deceit is honorable, and they still cry, "Death to America!" Seems we gave in to their demands, unbelievably letting them self-inspect a critical military site.

Aren't you thankful for Obama?


Siloam Springs

Hypocrisy on display

Paul Greenberg's column on the evils of abortion and, incidentally, slavery, reeked of hypocrisy.

While fervently decrying Planned Parenthood's role in the deaths of the unborn, it seems he continues to laud Robert E. Lee. Lee's role in the Civil War to end slavery was largely responsible for the loss of more than 600,000 of the already born--and raised.

Now that Arkansas has deep-sixed Planned Parenthood, and the display of the Confederate flag is considered politically incorrect, could we please be spared the paeans to our once arch-enemy and Arlington slave owner, Robert E. Lee?


Bella Vista

Hold cities to account

I was in Fort Smith recently conducting business. Almost everywhere I turned I was assaulted by the sounds of either a loud biker or likely illegally equipped pickup or auto.

I believe the doctrine of sovereign immunity protecting municipalities from civil penalties for nonfeasance needs to be tried for its constitutional validity via constitutional review. I mean, don't we, as citizens of the United States, have a guarantee of equal protection under the law and don't we have a guarantee of domestic tranquility and the right to pursue happiness? Does the loud biker cult(ure) have a "right" to usurp the law, openly and offensively assault the citizenry without penalty? If our law enforcement community does not intercede on our behalf, to whom do we turn for help?

If our law enforcement community refuses to enforce a valid, constitutionally sound, articulate, vehicular noise law, why can't the citizenry assaulted by these vehicular noise thugs sue that municipality and its law enforcement representatives for redress?

Having worked for a very large municipality for over 31 years, I know that money is the catalyst that motivates the movers and shakers in a city administration. Nothing effects change like a threat to the city coffer ... nothing. It's time to hold municipalities like Fort Smith, Fayetteville, Sturgis, and any other city that panders to the loud biker cult(ure) via non-enforcement and biker rallies accountable for their nonfeasance. In fact, it's past time!



Were they drinking?

Re private-club lease on UCA campus: Intelligent people? What exactly does that mean? UCA apparently says it's okay to serve alcohol. Why? You say alcohol, it's really a big can of worms. Pandora's Box is more like it. I'm just saying.


Little Rock

Editorial on 08/31/2015

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