Readers respond

On party politics

My column last week about the dire warnings from our first three founding presidents over the calamity that could befall us should our democratic republic embrace two self-interested, competing political parties drew varied responses from readers.

Long a believer that the ideas of others can be every bit as pertinent as anything I express to you, I'm sharing several of their thoughts on this relevant matter to all of us in 2015 America.

Being disenfranchised?

"Mike, you write: 'I've come to view party politics and its tactics as an intentionally divisive, money-driven, self-perpetuating, good ol' boy network that all too often places a party and its gains above those whose overall best interests they are supposed to serve. Truth, and any adherence to truth's sacred quality (even among much of an obviously partisan and politicized national media) has no role in such a pervasive atmosphere of wholesale dishonesty.'

"You're correct, Mike. We have open-meeting laws that require our elected officials to discuss and make decisions about how they are running our government publicly. There is a glaring exception to the law, the party caucus. When are either of the two parties going to let you and all of the other journalists that are supposed to be the eyes and ears of the general public to sit in on all of their party caucus meetings where the parties hand down their strategy and goals for the actions of their members in running the government? How does a party get to punish elected officials for not voting along with the demands of the party for speaker of the House? There is no democracy in that. That is extortion. We should not be having partisan primary elections; their only purpose is to help with the marketing of a candidate to be named later for the general election. When Arkansas does hold its primary election, will the person that wins in Arkansas be on the general election ballot in Arkansas? If not, are not the voters in Arkansas being disenfranchised? E.C. Smith."

Education matters

"Mr. Masterson, I have no argument to make concerning what you wrote--in fact, I couldn't agree more. But--how much consideration have you given to the education level of the citizenry of this state?

"The reading level is extraordinarily low and comprehension/retention level is abysmal! Couple that with the fact that a very great percentage of folks younger than I (turning 76 in December) were not taught in school the things I (and perhaps some of your age group) were.

"History was once meaningful and the things taught were more than just the dates of certain pivotal events. Then again I'm finding that much of what I was taught was slanted and left out meaningful aspects of some of it altogether. For example, Gen. George Custer was portrayed as an American hero. In reality he was a bantam cock who let his ambition and poor judgment get a lot of folks killed! What would the history book have said, had Geronimo written some or all of it? What justified our treating the Native Americans as we did? No aspect of that was spoken of in my schooling--it was 'Manifest Destiny' that we conquer and exploit the land and all in it!

"So with that in mind--does it surprise that Washington's admonishment that what we're seeing perpetrated against the well-being of the country and its citizenry by the selfish interest of both parties is happening and for the larger part, without the awareness of these rubes and cyphers?

"One can only use the tools one has in their box! There's a scarcity of useful tools in the mental toolboxes of far too many of our citizens. Ignorance and apathy are our downfall . You've doubtlessly heard the saying that once you learn to fake honesty and sincerity--you've got it made!! Hang in there--a few listen! Cordially, Karl Hansen."

'Forthright' message

"Mike, congratulations! I have not read a more honest, forthright column addressing the condition of the Republican and Democratic parties in our shambles of a political system in the United States. I will keep this column and share it. I have not heard a single candidate address the very real issues which are causing our country to lose the standing we once enjoyed in the world. Members of Congress (and presidential candidates) no longer serve their country ... they are self-serving, greedy, power-hungry, ego-driven and unconcerned with the 'greater good.' If we the people don't wake up and reclaim our Republic, our democracy, we will find ourselves in the place that George Washington warned about. What will it take, Mike? Sincerely, Wincie Gladish."

Dear Wincie: What's that they say about trying to put the proverbial green, foldable genie back in the bottle?

Necessary reminder

"Mike--Thank you for the insightful and provocative column of 8/25. Your thoughts, as well as those of our three earliest presidents, provided a much-needed reminder of the sad state of affairs we find ourselves in today. May God bless. Steve Stephens."


Mike Masterson's column appears regularly in the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette. Email him at [email protected].

Editorial on 08/30/2015

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