PUBLIC VIEWPOINT Social Darwinism Discredited

Steve Blevins (Public Viewpoint, March 3) seems to confuse the theory of evolution by natural selection, which is a scientific theory based on a lot of evidence, with Social Darwinism, which is 19th century ideology based on no evidence.

Social Darwinism is a doctrine that the social order is the product of natural selection, and that those who have the advantages in any given society are genetically and biologically superior.

Ruling elites have probably always held such ideas but it was formulated by Herbert Spencer in 1859 and it was he who invented the term “survival of the fittest.” Social Darwinism has been used to justify racism, imperialism, unregulated capitalism, the superiority of northern Europeans to other Europeans, eugenics, and getting rid of safety nets.

Ironically, many of those who don’t accept the scientific theory do seem to accept this discredited ideology that is confused with it. However current Social Darwinists think it is all about their own moral superiority over those with less money, and they assume falsely that all the poor are receiving government aid.

Obviously people are not equal in all respects. However, there is a broad consensus in this country that we should have an “equal playing field.” Yet social mobility in the United States is lower than in most European countries. The “birth lottery” does have a lot to do with outcomes. Also working people can suddenly become poor for a variety of reasons such as illness (with medical expenses the primary cause of bankruptcy) or the steady attrition of jobs due to outsourcing and automation.

I would agree with English writer Samuel Johnson (1708-1784) that ”a decent provision for the poor is the true test of civilization.”

This is not at all about Democrats vs. Republicans. A Pew Research survey last July found that “significant proportions of Democrats (60 percent) and Republicans (52 percent) say they have benefited from a major entitlement program at some point in their lives. The programs were Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, welfare, unemployment benefits and food stamps.” The poll didn’t include more middle-class entitlement programs such as the mortgage exemption, military pensions, student aid, or farm subsidies.

As for “moral traps,” it is quite possible to accept both biological evolution and Christianity, and most mainline Christian churches take this position. See also the book by an evangelical minister, Michael Dowd, called “Thank God For Evolution.” On the other hand, Social Darwinism is a pernicious doctrine and impossible to reconcile with Christianity.

By the way, Mr. Blevins exaggerates American exceptionalism when he says America has “reached a level of afiuence never seen in our planet’s history.” A number of countries have a higher income per capita, such as Norway, Switzerland, Australia, Singapore, and Canada. Some years, the U.S.A. doesn’t even make the top 10.



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