Public Viewpoint: Interest In Organic Agriculture Grows

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Growth Sectors in the economy creating the most jobs are: Organic agriculture, which includes things like growing fruits and vegetables that fetch handsome sums at Whole Foods and the like because they are so valuable; cagefree turkey and chickens and grass-fed bison and cattle. Non-GMO heirloom fruit trees and vegetables and grains are also a fasttrack growth industry in their infancy but picking up immense speed. Have a look at Whole Foods’ stock price to get an idea of the prospects here. Bees forage for up to fi ve miles and they can’t forage on a plundered landscape denuded by pesticides and herbicides.

Another growth sector that also requires keeping the environment intact is eco-tourism . This is the fastest-growing segment of tourism. Restaurants, boutique shops, artisans and craftspeople sell to these tourists and to these ever-richer organic farmers who are fetching good sums for their herbicide/ pesticide-free harvests that the consumer is paying up for even if it means foregoing trips to Disney.

The public is becoming wiser of all the crap out there that we have been raised on, and please don’t let SWEPCO and chemical companies take our smalltown independence and economies away.

It will be a mistake that will be on the watch of all of the politicians and the CEO of AEP/SWEPCO. I am sure the CEO of AEP is shopping at Whole Foods himself. And I am sure that just like the CEO of Exxon Mobil who has issues with any of the elements of fracking if it aft ects his $5 million dollar home, hypocrisy rules the day here and let’s all just got real.


Garfi eld