Super Quiz: Iceland

Monday, March 3, 2014

  1. Iceland is located at the confluence of which two oceans?

  2. On which industry does the economy historically depend?

  3. Which current helps to warm the climate?

  4. What post-World War II “plan” helped the economy?

  5. What is the national language?

  6. In 2008, the failure of this system caused substantial political unrest.

  7. What is the Althing?

  8. The main traditional sport in Iceland is glima. It is a form of what?

  9. Which two leaders had a historic summit meeting in Iceland in 1986?

Answers 1. Atlantic and Arctic 2. Fishing 3. Gulf Stream 4. Marshall Plan 5. Icelandic 6. Banking system 7. The national parliament 8. Wrestling 9. Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev

ActiveStyle, Pages 33 on 03/03/2014