A Different Take On Creation

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

A Different Take On Creation

Art Hobson wrote (June 8) that "scientific creationism" claims evolution must be wrong because thermodynamics predicts increasing disorganization while evolution predicts the opposite, and Art says creationists are wrong because living systems "receive both energy and organization from the sun."

Huh? I studied thermodynamics in college and I don't remember any chapters on evolution or creation in the textbook. I have always thought the choice of what to believe is a matter of common sense.

If you had unlimited resources, infinite power and supreme intelligence, are we the best thing you could come up with? Would you design a frail mini-me rendered inoperable by a few minutes without oxygen, and would your grandest creation of all spend a third of its short life in a catatonic state oblivious to the universe and vulnerable to all your other creations that want to kill and eat it? Would you create a universe in which to survive, every living thing you created must murder, dismember and devour other living things you created and do it so inefficiently that each act of carnage leaves a trail of toxic waste that can sicken and kill other living things, including your own species?

Wouldn't you want to improve upon your first attempt? We've waited 13.7 billion years (or six thousand creationist years) for the arrival of humans 2.0, but we seem to be still mired in the beta testing phase of humans 1.0 and not getting any better. (Think DOS humans when we could be Windows 8 humans by now.) Would you, as a loving Creator, inflict your grandest creation with ticks, mosquitoes, salmonella, plagues, floods, tornados, earthquakes, tsunamis, cancer, Alzheimer's, Kardashians and rappers?

If there really is the one Creator, he is at best a poor communicator or community organizer, given the multitude of different religions and factions of religions (30,000 Christian faith structures alone) that are "outreaching," arguing, hating and killing each other all over our small planet today, each one secure in the knowledge that "God is on our side." To paraphrase our first Amateur-American President, if you're happy with your God and your religion, you can keep it; until, that is, you are blown up, shot or have your head lopped off in the name of Allah.

Regardless of Art's attempts, no one can prove or disprove a figment of others' imagination, but if you still believe as many creationists claim, that we are truly made in God's image instead of the other way around, I would ask you, who does God eat and where does he dump his waste? I personally suspect Washington, D.C, or New Jersey, but I sure hope it isn't the hog farm on the Buffalo River as they have more than they can handle already, and the thought brings a whole new meaning to the theory of the "Big Bang."

Phil Warner


Commentary on 06/19/2014