Chemicals Betray Health

Chemicals Betray Health

Have we allowed ourselves to be the guinea pigs experimented on by Big Oil for the last 60 years?

The ever-declining health of the nation is a result of the bombardment of chemicals. Our environment is permeated with chemicals. We ingest them with most food we eat daily. We use them on our landscapes and gardens, and Big Farming and Big Medicine is addicted to them, doing what they are told by the chemical companies. We have them in most products we use in the kitchen, bathroom, garage, in our paints, floor coverings, window coverings, furniture, clothing, toys and most that we buy from the market. We are taught not to look at the big picture, but to stay compartmentalized and not put two and two together and to be a good consumer.

This accumulation gets worse: They're in our water, the plastics we use, the air we breathe, the exhaust from our vehicles and tools, and from the power companies' exhaust. Now with fracking, they permeate water tables and ruin once natural water supplies.

Washing fruits and veggies is not enough. Recent research that foods grown on soil permeated by years of chemicals and pesticides are systemically permeated by chemicals. This has probably been true from the beginning.

We behave like innocent bystanders; this is the problem. We pretend everything is OK and distract ourselves with sports, music, sex, addictions, television, movies, phones, computers and a myriad of diversions that remove us temporarily from fear. We're programmed slowly and continuously since birth by our educators to accept this. The morals and attitudes of Big Oil have infiltrated the government, military, educational system, medical system and the scientific community.

Greed lives and its power is ensnaring us, caught in a game without the rules. We were lied to for decades that cigarettes were safe or that this or that medical drug was safe. We are told that within small numbers these chemicals are also safe. The health of the nation doesn't support that theory.

Now they want us to accept genetically modified seeds, plant foods and animal foods when research shows it to be harmful to animals, even killing them. Nano-particles are being put in foods as well. These GMO foods have genetic changes that the body systems don't recognize as nutrients and tries to discard them through disease and illness.

There is a lot we can do to reverse this situation; the sooner the better. I only say that any one who buys groceries from supermarkets, uses their cleaning products and their pesticides for bugs in the house and garden, is an offender. Yes, it is us too, not just them. Each one of us can make a difference by examining ourselves and start removing anything we use and get educated about alternatives.

There was a time when the world did not need chemicals to survive. By saying no through our buying habits and to start demanding organic from the government and farmers will our voice be heard.

Barry Langford

West Fork

Commentary on 06/12/2014

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