Super Quiz: Bays, bights, estuaries and gulfs

  1. The world's second largest bay

  2. Australian bay where Capt. James Cook landed

  3. Bay known for having the highest tidal range in the world

  4. The bight on Australia's southern coast

  5. This gulf is also known as the Sea of Cortez.

  6. The gulf at the southern end of Italy

  7. The largest estuary in the United States

  8. The gulf on Australia's northern coast

  9. What gulf lies between West Africa and South Africa?


  1. Hudson Bay

  2. Botany Bay

  3. Bay of Fundy

  4. Great Australian Bight

  5. Gulf of California

  6. Gulf of Taranto

  7. Chesapeake Bay

  8. Gulf of Carpentaria

  9. Gulf of Guinea

Style on 07/22/2014

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