Public Viewpoint: President Obama's Immigration Mess

King Obama told the world he'd no longer enforce our immigration laws when he rewarded young illegal aliens with amnesty and work permits, starting a flood of 52,000 young illegals walking across his open border, and now he wants $2 billion more of our tax dollars to throw at the problem he created. He sued Arizona for trying to enforce existing immigration laws that he refused to enforce and punished the state by first releasing 36,000 criminal illegal aliens (some reports say 68,000) and then transporting hundreds more from Texas, dumping them at Arizona bus stations rather than giving them a short bus ride back to Mexico, and now he is busing thousands more to California.

Obama's promise to "fundamentally change" the United States apparently involves selling it to the Chinese, giving it to Mexicans, thumbing his nose at England and Canada (We don't need no stinking Churchill bust or XL pipeline), and degrading the moral institution of marriage and family to celebrate deviate sexual behavior.

Obama thinks he can unilaterally choose which laws to enforce, which to ignore (including his own Obamacare), and which to erase with his royal edicts and lawsuits against the states.

I hope our great country survives this first amateur-American president/king (well, we're sure of the amateur part and that the community organizer didn't fall far from the ACORN tree, but the jury is still out on American). He makes Tricky Dick look like a boy scout.



Commentary on 07/07/2014

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