Thursday, January 30, 2014

DEAR HELOISE: Do you have an easy way to get gum out of hair? My daughter has gotten it stuck a couple of times, and I hate having to cut it out.

DEAR READER: The next time this happens, try using real mayonnaise. Just rub it on the gum to break it up, wipe it out with a paper towel, then wash the hair. You also can use mineral oil or creamy peanut butter; something with a little oil breaks up the gum.

DEAR HELOISE: I have two sets of white dinnerware, and both sets of the dinner plates have silverware marks on the eating surfaces. I have tried cleaners for ceramic cooktops and bleach, but nothing has helped.

DEAR READER: Unfortunately, if the marks go all the way through the glaze on the plates, then they will not be removable. However, try one more thing: a paste of baking soda and water. Using a sponge, scrub the marks until they disappear. Baking soda is found in most homes, but we sometimes forget just how many money-saving hints it can be used for. To test this baking-soda method, clean one half of a plate, rinse and dry. Take a look. It should look much better.

DEAR HELOISE: I usually use store-bought makeup remover to get my eye makeup off. When I run out, I use baby oil with a cotton ball or pad. My mom taught me that baby oil was a good substitute for liquid makeup remover, and it is less expensive. I have oily skin, so I use baby oil only for a short time.

DEAR HELOISE: If you have a toddler whose hands get cold from the chilled drink in his sippy cup, simply slip a terry-cloth wristband on the cup. These are found in stores’ athletic departments, are sold in pairs and are easily laundered.

DEAR HELOISE: I have found an easy way to fill the water reservoir in my steam iron without spilling water. I fill one of the sports bottles that has a pop-up spout with water, then use it to fill the iron. It is easy to squeeze the water right in, and because the spout can almost fit in the iron, it makes it nearly spill proof.

Send a money- or time-saving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, Texas 78279-5000; fax to (210) 435-6473; or email [email protected]

Weekend, Pages 36 on 01/30/2014