
Don't represent Islam

I am disheartened with the recent news on terrorist attacks in Sydney, Australia; and Peshawar, Pakistan. What kind of human being can kill such innocent people, including children?

As a Muslim Turkish-American living in Arkansas, I denounce such primitive attacks by people calling themselves Muslims. Islam clearly prohibits giving harm not only to innocent people but any creature that does not possess danger. I believe the vast majority of Muslims strongly oppose the acts of those radical groups like ISIS, al-Qaida, and Taliban, which cause a big shame in the name of a peaceful religion.

Many people wonder why they do such violence. Maybe it is because they are full of so much hatred that it does not leave any space for logic and compassion in their minds and hearts.

But maybe instead of trying to understand their psychology, we should try to understand each other, the people in our daily lives. Dialogue might be a silent yet most effective weapon against hate and violence of any kind.


Little Rock

This is compromise?

A guy walks up to me on the street, sticks a gun in my ribs and says, "Your money or your life." Me, being quick of mind, respond, "Let's talk a minute." We negotiate. He takes all my money except $5, but lets me live and keep the $5.

Apparently according to the Republicans, this transaction illustrates democracy. Well ... I think what the Republicans did was screw up the legislative process so that Congress had its choice: Shut down the government or give the banks the government-subsidized insurance they wanted.

Congress compromised. The Republicans and their banking friends profit from the crisis they created. The public is saved from a government shutdown but has to subsidize the bankers.

Then the Republicans have the nerve to tell me that they know how to govern and I should be grateful for compromise in democracy.



Season's about more

Our society and our country are so different from their original versions. Once, they were set strong in their beliefs. Today, they have changed and wavered.

No matter what religion you are, most likely you have a holiday. These days were once so pure and full of meaning. Now material things have dominated the meaning. In this season, our hearts are filled with greed. We wake up on Christmas morning and all we think about is the gifts we will receive.

This season is about giving and receiving, but it's so much more than that! It's a time for family to come together. It's a time of joy and happiness. It's a time of love.

So when you wake up on Christmas this year, stop and realize why it's Christmas. Season's greetings. Happy Chanukah. Merry Christmas.



Abomination defined

If some infinite deity or substance is responsible for the creation of all matter, our finite minds cannot comprehend such an entity. If there was empirical evidence that such a being did exist, I believe it would in no way suggest that it is the god of the Jews, Christians or Muslims or that he, she or it has a special fondness for vainglorious fools who decide what is or is not an abomination to God.

At the present, abortion seems to be their favorite theme. I would agree that abortion has moral boundaries, but many ignore other compelling aspects of it. They just polish an apple and parrot the party line, calling it an abomination to God, the killing of his most precious gift. I would strongly suggest these good folks read their holy book more intimately before embarrassing themselves further.

For far too long, well-meaning individuals have completely ignored the vicious criminal acts the Bible promotes. In all honesty, I think the biblical god makes Hitler look like an Eagle Scout. According to the Bible, this god is directly responsible for the slaughter of thousands of men, women and children, including the unborn, to say nothing of the advancement of slavery and rape.

One would think this criminal behavior would shock any moral person, but as a rule, it has not. Personally, I think to call this Bronze-Age deity a god is to stretch the meaning of the word. So please spare us all the blather and shallow pretense about abortion being an abomination to God.



Not serving the people

What has happened to the "by the people and for the people" purpose for elected political officials?

Has the United States political culture changed to the point that political officials are elected to a social-club membership financed by the taxpayers? This social-club membership requirements appear to be (1) being a member of the hierarchy of government agency, or (2) being a senator or representative or other elected government official.

I can remember when an individual could contact a senator or representative or other elected government official concerning a government agency that is not providing services as intended, and that elected official would contact the agency, and the elected official would have the desire and the authority to get something done about the deficiencies in the agency services.

I can remember when an individual could contact a senator or representative or other elected official concerning fraud, waste or abuse by a government agency and that elected official would contact the agency and the elected official would have the desire and the authority to get something done about the fraud, waste or abuse.

We should all thank God for how he has blessed America. Why are we as a nation rushing to get God out of our government's decision-making process?



Disappointed in game

Richard Plant's letter, "Was a breach of trust," was right on. The previous letters hadn't mentioned that Brandon Allen was not a team player by staying in the game and not telling the coaches he was unable to perform at the needed competitive level. I was very disappointed in the way the whole incident was handled by the coaches, and especially Brandon.


Little Rock

Editorial on 12/20/2014

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