Super Quiz: Science

  1. How many millions make up 1 billion?

  2. In which temperature scale does water freeze at 0 degrees?

  3. What is mass per unit of volume?

  4. The third of the four terrestrial planets counting out from the sun.

  5. What is the opposite of ordinary matter?

  6. The outermost part of the sun's atmosphere

  7. Which scientific organization is known by ESA?

  8. For what is this formula used: F32+(1.8xC)?

  9. Term for any animal with a backbone


  1. One thousand

  2. Celsius scale

  3. Density

  4. Earth

  5. Antimatter

  6. Corona

  7. European Space Agency

  8. To change Celsius temperatures to Fahrenheit

  9. Vertebrate

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