Sensationalism Unneeded

Friday, August 1, 2014

Sensationalism Unneeded

I was surprised to see a letter focusing on the dog who was allegedly injured with fireworks in the Opinion page. Not just the letter, but the headline as well. That incident happened several weeks ago. Perhaps opinions can be slow to be expressed.

I don't like cruelty in any form perpetrated on any animal or person. I also don't like news outlets that can't or won't do a good job.

I was disgusted by KNWA's handling of the televised and website reports on this particular dog. They were in no way searching for the truth, but instead for a way to sensationalize the story and get web traffic moving.

This person who wrote a letter in the July 23 paper apparently relies on the faulty, lazy reporting of local media, including this newspaper.

Were there no other letters to the editor available? I feel for the owners. I have had animals that hurt themselves jumping fences, digging in culverts, etc. They are animals. Like some people, they make bad decisions and get themselves hurt. This letter is not really about the animal. It is about a pitiful excuse for a Public Viewpoint section in your paper.

Surely, you can do better.

Connie Threlkeld


Commentary on 08/04/2014