Pass The Apron

Writer Finds Baking Success

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Finally! I’m about to write a sentence I never thought I’d write: “I cooked something, and it was REALLY good.”

Around here I’m known for both my lack of cooking expertise and my disinterest in acquiring any. It’s not something I’m particularly proud of. I wanted to be one of those mothers who could really cook — the kind whose meals become legendary with not only her own children but also her children’s friends, who begin coincidentally stopping by to visit around dinnertime. My mom was one of those mothers. Her mom was one of those mothers. DNA was on my side.

But it didn’t pan out. It’s not that I never cook. I do, and I can produce a decent meal sometimes — basic stuff like spaghetti, baked chicken and tacos. But I don’t love the process like some people do. I’ve never once thought of snapping a photo of my home-cooked meal and posting it on Facebook.

I’m sure it wouldn’t garner any “yummy” comments. My Facebook friends would probably send me the phone number for the nearest Chinese take-out restaurant.

For me, cooking seems unbalanced. Preparation time takes so long, but the actual eating takes only about 20 minutes or so. Then after you’re done eating, you’ve got a kitchen full of dirty dishes waiting for you. A meal needs to taste really, really good to make it worth washing pots and pans. And often, mine just don’t. When they don’t, I feel like I’ve not only wasted time and clean dishes, I’ve also wasted a lot of ingredients that could have served a higher purpose in the hands of a more skilled cook.

My mother says this kind of negative thinking is at the root of my problems in the kitchen — that I’m unwilling to fail. She says every good cook has kitchen failures now and then, and I should use mine to gain insight into how to do it better next time. I know she’s right. But I can’t help thinking that “next time” would be a lot more fun if I spent it at a great restaurant. Know what I mean?

But now, back to my good news. I made something that I and other somewhat objective people think is really good. Technically, I didn’t cook it. I baked it. Baking is much more my speed than cooking. All the open fl ames and grease spattering and knives make me nervous. I like the slower, more controlled pace of baking.

My first kitchen masterpiece — Extreme Banana Nut Bread — was great right out of the oven and even better after I wrapped it and put it in the fridge to stand for a few hours.

If I can do it, I can practically guarantee that you can, too. Happy baking.