PUBLIC VIEWPOINT: Dead is Dead, No Matter What Weapon

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

What else do we need? What more laws can be passed to guarantee it happens no more?

    No, I am not addressing the gun issue. I am writing about drunken driving and texting while driving. Most people do one or both, yet existing laws have not put a dent in them. The prohibition on alcohol only created a black market, more alcohol poisonings and inflated abuse. The common thread on drunken driving and texting while driving is the mode of transportation. I suggest an absolute ban on the evil automobiles.

    What? You don’t drink or text? Then why the push to ban firearms from the 99 plus percent responsible gun owners? If a person is killed by an irresponsible drunk, an irresponsible texter or an insane shooter, dead is just as dead and the family does not care about the means. The punishment needs to be more severe than existing laws provide for those responsible. Stupid is stupid and insane is insane. Neither can be legislated out of society.


Cave Springs


In a nutshell, (I have) a request for an accounting. That’d be specific dollars, amounts, you know, data.

Chancellor G. David Gearhart has yet to show us the breakdown of $3 million-plus gone bad.




    Gun control, teachers armed with guns, security guards in schools — these are some of the proposals after the Sandy Hook massacre.

    Back in the 1980s, during Ronald Reagan’s term in office, he closed down mental institutions to save money. As usual, when cuts are made where it affects people who need it most, there will be consequences. Could this be a result of those cuts? We will always have the mentally ill among us and they need to be taken care of. We, in America, the richest nation in the world (hopefully still is) should not have mentally ill or homeless people living in the streets.

    We need to re-evaluate our priorities. People should come first when decisions are made in Washington, D.C. We cannot hurt the mentally ill and expect good results. Politicians/lawmakers, where is your compassion and common sense?


Bella Vista