City Officials Select Insurance Broker

— Members of City Council, meeting as a committee of the whole Tuesday, recommended Regions Insurance to broker insurance coverage for the city.

Alderman Gary Townzen cast the only negative vote. Aldermen Buddy Wright, Clay Kendall, Bob Goodwin and Marge Wolf voted in favor of Regions. Aldermen Mark Kruger, Betsy Reithemeyer and Dan Brown did not attend the meeting.

Regions Insurance representatives said earlier this week they would charge a flat fee for services, rather than commissions based on the insurance.

Mayor Greg Hines is expected to negotiate on the services Regions will provide and establish what the fee will be.

Ben Lipscomb, city attorney, said once the fee is determined an ordinance outlining the services and costs along with the appropriation of money to pay the fee will be brought to the council for approval.

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