Wrong kind of change

— Why did our president do weekend interviews with the major news outlets but won't allow the outlet with the highest ratings one single minute? Is it OK for our president to be afraid of certain questions and afraid to face those who would ask them? Is it OK to repeatedly lie and not be brought to task for it? Like saying he wasn't following the ACORN issue and didn't know they were receiving that much government money?

The president was a lawyer and a trainer for ACORN and paid them $800,000 to get folks signed up to vote for him. He told them theywould help him form the new America. There's no way he hasn't been following the story!

The destruction of capitalism and the undermining of the Constitution is the goal. If you believe that, and agree with the goal, I'm sure you're happy, but if you don't agree with it, please get a list of the czars and do some Internet searching to see what these people believe. Obama said he would "fundamentally change America," and many people voted for that change, but I wonder if they really know what change it is they voted for and if they understand where we're headed.

The ones who are actually doing the research and revealing what the czar world is all about are being mocked and ridiculed, while those who are just hard party line fall into step and won't look away from the leader, even when the leader steps aside and lets them march over a cliff. Where are our representatives? Where are the news reporters, both print and tube? Are they all in cahoots with this administration, and they'll follow him, lie for him, cover up for him, no matter what?
Ken Booth / Bentonville

News, Pages 6 on 09/30/2009

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