No more hyphens, please

— Who'd have guessed in the 1970s that Bill Cosby would become a lone voice of reason advocating accepting responsibility in the black community versus remaining mired in victim mentality and crime. If blacks are listening, it's apparently not those in the news.

Eric Holder requested more talk about race, so Barry, in his own victim mentality, declared what the Cambridge police did was STUPID with no knowledge of the facts. Kanye crashed Taylor's party to cry she didn't deserve her award that should go to black Beyonce.

ACORN advises pimps and prostitutes how to set up business and avoid taxes. The Al & Jessie comedy act still moans that there are too many black men in jails, but I don't see them in the hood persuading brothers to stop stealing, killing, pimping and dealing. And 70 percent of black babies still are born out of wedlock and on welfare.

Now pundits label Joe racist for saying Barry lied about health benefits for illegals. Can no one disagree with the Obama teleprompter without being labeled racist?

Here's the deal. There can't be a race-blind America until hyphenated folks stop being African-Americans, Hispanic-Americans, Asian-Americans, La Raza, the Arkansas Black Caucus or any other "exclude-anyone-who-is-not-us" club, and start being just Americans who are willing to work for rewards without demanding free government money, special treatment, reparations or anything else they haven't earned. Barry didn't help with his knee-jerk racial profiling of Sgt. Crowley, but he has brought change; he changed me from a Democrat to a Republican.
Philip R. Warner / Garfield

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