Meetings aren't 'disruptive'

— Mr. O'Neal, regarding your column of Sept. 13 ("Get the facts"), your effort is appreciated; hopefully, you understand that most Americans would respond "yes" to the questions you posed. It's getting there that's difficult!

The problem is the unfinished, unexplained health-care debacle that may be railroaded through the House and the Senate and rammed down the throats of the American people. What we've heard about the health-care bill we do not like - and for many valid reasons.

Do you understand that the most effective way Americans can protest is through town-hall meetings, to let our representatives know how we feel and why? Those of us who have worked at researching the numbers and the facts are not using scare tactics, Mr. O'Neal. The town-hall meetings are not disruptive. I've been to one and have watched as many as possible. I see Americans asking legitimate questions (and getting very few answers). I wonder if you've actually attended or watched any of the meetings - or have you just listened to the comments of the network newscasters?

People who made the effort to attend the meetings are real Americans asking real questions, and yes, we are frightened and angry, with good reason. At these meetings you call "disruptive," I've seen friends who are Democrats, friends who are Republicans and many who are not affiliated with ANY political party, all very sincere and with questions, and they're being criticized by people like you. Please think about what you've said!
Elizabeth Ann May / Bella Vista

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